Date: Wednesday, October 16

Time: 14:00-15:15

Session Hall 3 (Auditório II)

Shining a Light on Presymptomatic Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents

14:00 –14:05 Welcome Moshe Phillip
14:05 –14:20 Strategies for Identifying and Monitoring Presymptomatic Autoimmune T1D in Young People Thomas Danne
14:20–14:25 Q&A All
14:25–14:40 The Lived Experience of Autoimmune T1D: From Early Detection to Early Intervention Korey Hood
14:40–14:45 Q&A All
14:45–15:00 Targeting Autoimmune Pathways in T1D: A Clinical Research Update Stephen Gitelman
15:00–15:10 Q&A All
15:10–15:15 Close Moshe Phillip

Date: Thursday, October 17

Time: 08:00-09:00

Session Hall 3 (Auditório II)

Type 1 diabetes in Very Young Children – Challenges and Opportunities

1. The plasticity of the young age and its effect on future health Prof. Tadej Battelino
2. The therapeutic approach to address the challenges in the very young with type 1 diabetes Dr. Fiona Campbell
3. MiniMed 780G system balancing outcomes, safety and quality of life: the LENNY study Assoc. Prof. Klemen Dovč
4. To be confirmed


Date: Thursday, October 17

Time: 08:00-09:00

Session Hall 2 (Auditório VIII)

Let the Kids Be Kids: Optimizing Diabetes Care with Control-IQ Technology

The Tandem Diabetes Care symposium will showcase how Tandem advanced technology empowers young patients with type 1 diabetes to live more freely and enjoy a higher quality of life. The session focuses on three key aspects:

  1. Proven Control-IQ technology results that offer reliable blood glucose control
  2. Personalized treatment options that help patients thrive by tailoring care to their unique needs
  3. Ease of use
Dr. Torben Biester will delve into the first two points by presenting compelling meta-analysis results that showcase the effectiveness of Control-IQ technology. He will also share insights from his own research and case studies that demonstrate how to tailor treatment by adjusting basal rates and utilizing Sleep Activity to meet the needs of young patients. Dr. Torben Biester
Dr. Laurel Messer will present updates on Dexcom G7 connectivity, as well as the upcoming launches of the Tandem t:slim mobile app and Tandem Source platform. Her discussion will demonstrate how Tandem technology is accessible and convenient for both healthcare professionals and patients. Dr. Laurel Messer


Date: Thursday, October 17

Time: 14:00-15:15

Session Hall 3 (Auditório II)

Transforming Pediatric Diabetes Management: The Power of Early CGM, Improved Access, and Dexcom’s Seamless Integration with AID Systems

This presentation provides an update on the current pediatric diabetes landscape, featuring insights from leading experts on innovative technologies, such as Dexcom G7, and educational strategies to improve patient outcomes.

Dr. Torben Biester

Dr. Peter Adolfson will share his experience increasing access to real-time CGM in a pediatric clinic from 2013 to 2023, emphasizing the importance of a structured approach and demonstrating results to payers and decision-makers. He will compare type 1 diabetes management in Norway and Sweden, presenting similarities and differences between their health registries and outcomes.

He will discuss the importance of educational materials for Dexcom G4, G5, G6, and G7, especially during a pandemic. He will highlight current efforts in the UK and present health economic outcomes from a study comparing MDI, CSII, and AID with Dexcom G6. Finally, he will examine differences in access to technologies and care between pediatric and young adult clinics, showcasing strategies to improve outcomes in young adults.

Dr. Peter Adolfsson


Date: Thursday, October 17

Time: 14:00-15:15

Workshop Room (Auditório III + IV)


The Omnipod 5 Era: Celebrating More of Life with a Simple and Effective AID Solution

Improved Glycaemic Results that Matter: An Endocrinologist’s Perspective Dr. Dorothee Deiss
The Power of Simplicity for Education and Onboarding: A Diabetes Educator’s Perspective Mr. John Pemberton
Celebrating More of Life: A Personal Perspective  Guest Podder

Date: Friday, October 18

Time: 08:00-09:00

Session Hall 3 (Auditório II)


Date: Friday, October 18

Time: 08:00-09:00

Workshop Room (Auditório III + IV)

Automated insulin delivery with mylife CamAPS FX to manage type 1 diabetes: practical insights

Addressing the challenges to manage type 1 diabetes in very young children.

Sabine Hofer
Physical activity and exercise with my life CamAPS FX : from theory to practice Othmar Moser


Date: Friday, October 18

Time: 14:00-15:15

Session Hall 2 (Auditório VIII)

Caring for the youngest – Bright futures​ for Type 1 Diabetes

14:00 –14:10

Challenging situations in managing T1D in childhood and adolescence

Prof. Catarina Limbert

14:10 –14:25

Psychological role of AID in the young

Prof. Karin Lange

14:25 –14:40

Clinical role of AID in the young

Dr. Fiona Campbell

14:40 –14:55

Clinical role of ketone monitoring in the young

Prof. Claudio Maffeis

14:55 –15:05

Lookout on continuous ketone monitoring

ADC – W. Scott Harper

15:05 –15:15




Date: Friday, October 18

Time: 14:00-15:15

Workshop Room (Auditório III + IV)

The MiniMed™ 780G system in the very young with type 1 diabetes: Tips & Tricks

1. A world without MDI for young people living with diabetes Dr. Anna-Kaisa Tuomaala
2. Hypoglycaemia management with the MiniMed 780G system Dr. Natasa Bratina
3. Skincare for the very young Assoc. Prof. Jannet Svensson
4. Hands-on demo of the new Simplera Sync sensor and practical skincare Francesca Gulotta and Anna Korsgaard-Berg